Retired Engineer doing what he likes to do

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lot's of repair to be done

It's about to fall down put I can't let it go. HELP!!

My Grandkids will love this chair

Don't give up on those squeeky chair let me fix them

The scratches are gone now be careful with these chairs

This footboard was in several peices. Not even a crack left now


  1. Hi Larry,

    I was recommended to you by my sister, Jodi Cloward, who works for Dr. Capua. She told me you do some beautiful work, and she was right! :) I was wondering if you could build me a bed for my 3 year old little girl. I really like the girls' bead board bed, I believe in the picture on your blog it is a green color. I haven't decided yet on the bedding, so I'm not exactly sure what color I'll have you do it. I'd also like to order a matching dresser and nightstand. What are your prices like?

    Feel free to contact me via email.


    Tandi Davis
